Highlights/Upcoming events

PhD thesis: Compose=Compute - Computer Generation And Classification Of Music Through Operations Research Methods

In 2014 I defended my PhD thesis, Compose=Compute - Computer Generation And Classification Of Music Through Operations Research Methods, at the Unviversity of Antwerp under the supervision of Prof. dr. Kenneth Sörensen. In the research, I have developed automatic music generation systems using metaheuristic optimization techniques, combined with rules and machine learning. Other topics included composer classification, and Android app that generates music in the style of a chosen (or mixed) composer's style, and an app that does dance hit prediction based on an audio file.


ZiF Workshop From Computational Creativity to Creativity Science

This week I am attending the ZiF Workshop in Bielefeld, Germany. This interesting workshop is bringing together both computer scientists and cognitive scientists to come to a joint view and approach on computational creativity.

From Computational Creativity to Creativity Science

Date: 19 - 22 September 2016
Convenors: Kai-Uwe Kühnberger (Osnabrück, GER), Emilios Cambouropoulos (Thessaloniki, GRE), Oliver Kutz (Bozen, ITA)

Tension models in music generation at ICMPC

This week, I'm in San Francisco for the ICMPC conference. There are many interesting topics addressed in this bi-annual conference on music perception and cognition, including cognitive models of music and Music & health. My talk presented the model for tonal tension and the resulting music generation system MorpheuS that I have developed together with Elaine Chew at the Centre for Digital Music in London.

Talk and performance of MorpheuS Hadyn at TENOR, Cambridge (UK)

Today I gave a talk at TENOR, The Second International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation in Cambridge (UK). There were many interesting session on the latest music represenatation technologies. My presentation focused on the tonal tension model, which I have developed together with Elaine Chew, and how this is implemented in the polyphonic music generation algorithm called MorpheuS.

Invited seminar at IRCAM, Paris about the MorpheuS music generation project

I will be in Paris next week to give an invited seminar on the MorpheuS music generation project at l'institut de recherche et coordination accoustique/musique (IRCAM) in Paris. Read the full announcement on Ircam's website

Title: Morphing Music According to a Long-term Tension Profile and Detected Patterns

When: Wednesday 20th April, 2016 at 12h
Where: Ircam, salle Stravinsky

Talk at ORBEL30 At the Catholic University of Louvain (UCL)

I'll be giving a talk on "Music generation with structural constraints: an operations research approach" at ORBEL30, the national conference of the SOGESCI-BVWB, the Belgian Operational Research (OR) Society, Member of EURO, the association of European OR Societies, and Belgian representative of IFORS (International Federation of OR Societies). The conference is hosted by the Catholic University of Leuven (UCL) at Louvain-la-Neuve on January 27th and 28th.

Vice.com reports on dance hit prediction model

The magazine Vice.com reported on the research I conducted with David Martens and Kenneth Sörensen at the University of Antwerp on dance hit prediction.

"Hit songs are getting so predictable. No, literally. The recipe for what makes a pop or dance song a hit has apparently become so formulaic, a computer algorithm can predict with above-average accuracy the likelihood that a song will top the charts."

Seminar at Unviversidad Carlos III de Madrid

I'll be giving a seminar for PhD students at the Department of Computer Science (Research Group SCALAB) of the University Carlos III de Madrid next Friday. The topic will be on how to combine music and operations research. From their website:

Title: Music and operations research: applications in automatic generation music and dance hit prediction.

Presenter: Dorien Herremans (Queen Mary University)


Talk at Imperial College London on generating structured music with local search optimisation and machine learning

I'll be giving a talk on generating structured music with local search optimisation and machine learning. The seminar is organised by the Department of Computing, at Imperial College London and will take place on the 14th of October at 15:30.

Seminar talk
Department of Computing, Imperial College London

Generating structured music with local search optimisation and machine learning
Dorien Herremans, PhD (MSCA Fellow) Queen Mary University of London


Talk at Harvey-Mudd College

On my way through Southern California, I was invited by Prof. Robert Keller, who works on the impro-visor, to give a talk at Harvey-Mudd College in Claremont, CA on July 23rd. The topic of the talk was focused on my Mary-Curie project (MorpheuS): "An automatic composition system for structured music based on optimisation and machine learning".

From music theory to machine learning for evaluating generated music - Talk at UCSD

While travelling through Southern California, I stopped at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), to give a talk on generating structured music. Professor Shlomo Dubnov organized a talk for a summer school currently going on at UCSD on July 15th.

Title: From music theory to machine learning for evaluating generated music

ASyMMuS Workshop on Audio-Symbolic Music Similarity Modelling

Yesterday, the ASyMMyS workshop on Audio-Symbolic Music Similarity Modelling was held in the British Library in London. This interesting workshop, organised by Tillman Weyde and Emmanuil Benetos, served to discuss what constitutes music similarity and the current research going on in this field. Dorien Herremans was a member of the discussion panel on "Research Directions and Applications for Music Similarity" together with Emilia Gomez, Bob Sturm and Tilman which was led by Alan Marsden.

Generating automatic piano fingerings with iterated local search

For his Master's thesis, Matteo Balliauw started working on automatically generating piano fingerings, supervised by dr. Dorien Herremans and dr. Daniel Palhazi Cuervo at the University of Antwerp. His initial work was published at MCM 2015 in London and presented by Dorien Herremans.

MCM2015 Program (22-25/6) and Concerts -- Blood & Tango (Tue, 23/6, 12pm), Geometries & Gestures (Wed, 24/6, 6pm)

The program for the Fifth Biennial Mathematics and Computation in Music Conference (22-25 June 2015, QMUL) is now online at mcm2015.qmul.ac.uk/?page_id=304.  I would appreciate if you could publicise the event, especially the concerts, to students and staff throughout QMUL (and beyond if appropriate).  

MCM2015 - Mathematics and computation in music conference, London

I will present a paper written by Matteo Balliauw, Dorien Herremans, Daniel Palhazi Cuervo and Kenneth Sörensen on "Generating fingerings for polyphonic piano music with a tabu search algorithm" at MCM2015:

The Fifth Biennial International Conference on Mathematics and Computation in Music (MCM2015) will be held on 22-25 June-2015 at Queen Mary University of London in the United Kingdom. MCM is the flagship conference of the Society for Mathematics and Computation in Music, whose official publication is the Journal of Mathematics and Music.
