ASyMMuS Workshop on Audio-Symbolic Music Similarity Modelling

Yesterday, the ASyMMyS workshop on Audio-Symbolic Music Similarity Modelling was held in the British Library in London. This interesting workshop, organised by Tillman Weyde and Emmanuil Benetos, served to discuss what constitutes music similarity and the current research going on in this field. Dorien Herremans was a member of the discussion panel on "Research Directions and Applications for Music Similarity" together with Emilia Gomez, Bob Sturm and Tilman which was led by Alan Marsden.

The AHRC funded project on An Integrated Audio-Symbolic Model of Music Similarity (ASyMMuS) aims to integrate aspects of audio and symbolic representations, such as scores or MIDI data, in a joint model. By building on the Digital Music Lab infrastructure, the project’s aim is to promote a data driven approach to music similarity. This workshop will bring together researchers with different approaches to promote discussions on what constitutes and what contributes to music similarity.