Asthmatic versus healthy child classification based on cough and vocalised /a:/ sounds

TitleAsthmatic versus healthy child classification based on cough and vocalised /a:/ sounds
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsBT B, Hee H.I., Teoh O.H., Lee K.P., Kapoor S., Herremans D., Chen J.M.
JournalThe Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (JASA)
Volume148, EL253
Date Published09/2020
Type of ArticleJasa Express Letters

Cough is a common symptom presenting in asthmatic children. In this investigation, an audio-based classification model is presented that can differentiate between healthy and asthmatic children, based on the combination of cough and vocalised /ɑ:/ sounds. A Gaussian mixture model using mel-frequency cepstral coefficients and constant-Q cepstral coefficients was trained. When comparing the predicted labels with the clinician's diagnosis, this cough sound model reaches an overall accuracy of 95.3%. The vocalised /ɑ:/ model reaches an accuracy of 72.2%, which is still significant because the dataset contains only 333 /ɑ:/ sounds versus 2029 cough sounds.
