Research assistant / postdoc jobs in Music/Audio and AI

Our team at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) is looking for an RA or postdoc in music and AI. You will be joining our AMAAI Lab in music/audio/vision AI supervised by Prof. Dorien Herremans. At our lab, we aim to advance the state-of-the-art in AI for music and audio. More information on the music/audio team here. We have multiple research lines going that need your expertise, either in symbolic music (midi) as well as audio.

Ideal skillset:
- strong knowledge of deep neural networks in PyTorch
- interest in machine learning for midi/audio
- experience in Music Information Retrieval, ideally AI music generation and or audio transcription
- interest or experience in music generation systems or audio classification systems
- savvy programmer in PyTorch
- creative problem solver- good academic writing skills
- BA, MA, or PhD in computer science, MIR, neural networks, or related
- possible knowledge of computer vision

Ongoing projects:
- chord generation to match video
- audio transcription
- maintaining and building our nnAudio library
- building deep multitask audio representations

The ideal candidate has experience working with music generation, audio transcription and representation, or a strong background in machine learning, with familiarity in sound and music computing, and is willing to work with other PhD students and postdoc in the lab to leverage individual efforts into a combined system. This is a project sponsored by the Ministry of Education. We offer a competitive salary, with first contract until end of June, extendible for 6 months. 
For any info, feel free to contact me. Please email your application, including your CV, any first author publications, and the name/email of a reference, to dorien_herremans [ad] with subject [application MOE RA].

Due to visa quota, we can currently only allow Singaporeans and PR to apply.