
Export 124 results:
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Journal Article
Agres K., Schaefer R, Volk A, Van Hooren S, Holzapfel A, Bella SDalla, Müller M, de Witte M, Herremans D., Melendez RRamirez et al..  2021.  Music, Computing, and Health: A roadmap for the current and future roles of music technology for healthcare and well-being. Music & Science. PDF icon Preprint for OSF_Agres, Schaefer, Volk, et al. (2021)_Music & Science_watermark.pdf (4.07 MB)
Le D-V-T, Bigo L., Keller M., Herremans D..  2024.  Natural Language Processing Methods for Symbolic Music Generation and Information Retrieval: a Survey. arXiv. 2402.17467PDF icon 2402.17467.pdf (1.01 MB)
Cheuk K.W., Anderson H., Agres K., Herremans D..  2020.  nnAudio: An on-the-fly GPU Audio to Spectrogram Conversion Toolbox Using 1D Convolution Neural Networks. IEEE Access. PDF icon nnAudio.pdf (10.2 MB)
Sokolovskis J., Herremans D., Chew E..  2018.  A Novel Interface for the Graphical Analysis of Music Practice Behaviours. Frontiers in Psychology - Human-Media Interaction. 9PDF icon practice_browser.pdf (4.9 MB)
Agus N., Anderson H., Chen J.M., Lui S., Herremans D..  2018.  Perceptual evaluation of measures of spectral variance. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 143(6):3300–3311.PDF icon jasa_an_dh_preprint.pdf (2.46 MB)
Chua P., Makris D., Agres K., Roig G., Herremans D..  2022.  Predicting emotion from music videos: exploring the relative contribution of visual and auditory information to affective responses. Arxiv preprint.
Lin K.W.E., BT B, Koh E., Lui S., Herremans D..  2018.  Singing Voice Separation Using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network Trained by Ideal Binary Mask and Cross Entropy. Neural Computing and Applications. PDF icon main.pdf (2.59 MB)
Huang J, Chia YKen, Yu S, Yee K, Küster D, Krumhuber EG, Herremans D, Roig G..  2022.  Single Image Video Prediction with Auto-Regressive GANs. Sensors. 22:3533.
BT B, Lin K.W.E., Lui S., Chen J.M., Herremans D..  2019.  Towards robust audio spoofing detection: a detailed comparison of traditional and learned features. IEEE Access. 7:84229-84241.PDF icon ieee_access_herremans.pdf (14.31 MB)
Lee-Leon A., Yuen C., Herremans D..  2021.  Underwater Acoustic Communication Receiver Using Deep Belief Network. IEEE Transactions on Communications. :1-1.PDF icon 2102.13397.pdf (12.87 MB)
Balliauw M., Herremans D., D. Cuervo P, Sörensen K..  2017.  A variable neighborhood search algorithm to generate piano fingerings for polyphonic sheet music. International Transactions in Operational Research, Special Issue on Variable Neighbourhood Search. 24(3):509–535.PDF icon ITOR_VNS_APF_preprint.pdf (840.28 KB)
Kang J, Poria S, Herremans D..  2024.  Video2Music: Suitable Music Generation from Videos using an Affective Multimodal Transformer model. Expert Systems with Applications. PDF icon 2311.00968.pdf (5.51 MB)
Sockalingam N., Lo K., n KO., Herremans D., Raghunath N., Cancion H.GC, Kejun H., Leong H., Tan J., Nizharzharudin K. et al..  2022.  A white paper on cyberphysical learning. White paper, Singapore University of Technology and Design. PDF icon LSL_WhitePaper_Cyber-physical-Campus-Higher-Education.pdf (6.98 MB)
