Highlights/Upcoming events

ReconVAT presented in ACM Multimedia

Congrats to Kin Wa Cheuk for his published paper in the ACM Multimedia conference (A*) on 'ReconVAT: A Semi-Supervised Automatic Music Transcription Framework for Low-Resource Real-World Data'. If you are interested in training low-data music transcription models with semi-supervised learning, check out the full paper here, or access the preprint.

Watch Raven's talk here:

Paper published on our game for climate change (PEAR) in Sustainability

Over the last few years, we developed Project PEAR at SUTD Game Lab. Project PEAR is a geolocation based augmented reality game that is aimed at educating the player on climate change as well as influence their behaviours. We just published a study in Sustainability on the effectiveness of this game.

aiSTROM -- A roadmap for developing a successful AI strategy published in IEEE Access

Leading countless AI projects has left me very aware of all the challenges we may encounter during the development process. Therefore, I created a roadmap for AI managers and consultants to follow when creating an AI strategy, so they can better navigate the road to a successful AI strategy. The aiSTROM roadmap was just published in IEEE AccessRead the full article here.


Research assistant / postdoc jobs in Music/Audio and AI

Our team at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) is looking for an RA or postdoc in music and AI. You will be joining our AMAAI Lab in music/audio/vision AI supervised by Prof. Dorien Herremans. At our lab, we aim to advance the state-of-the-art in AI for music and audio. More information on the music/audio team here. We have multiple research lines going that need your expertise, either in symbolic music (midi) as well as audio.


Book chapter on Musical stylometry: Characterisation of music

I'm quite excited to announce the book chapter I wrote with Emeritus Prof. P. Kroonenberg from the University of Leiden. Prof. Kroonenberg just published an amazingly meticulous and interesting book on Multivariate Humanities, and I was happy to collaborate with him on the chapter "Musical stylometry: Characterisation of music" (pp. 347-370).

Joint internship with Sounders Music

I'm excited to announce this internship opportunity with Sounder Music in the Netherlands. This internship in data analytics for music will be (remotely) co-supervised by myself (Prof. Dorien Herremans) and the founder of Sounders Music (Willem Bloem). Send Willem a message if you are interested with subject [Sounders internship] to willem [period] bloem [aat] noticesound.com. Ideally we can come to a research publication at the end of the project.

New roadmap paper on the role of music technology for health care and well-being

Two years ago, I attended the Lorenz workshop on Music, Health, and Computing in at the University of Leiden. After a long and thorough process, a roadmap paper was published. All of the workshop attendees, who are experts in either music therapy or music technology, put their heads together, to create this important roadmap for the future of this new interdisciplinary field.

Three IJCNN papers from the AMAAI lab this year!

I'm very happy to announce that our lab had three papers accepted at the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) on the topics of controllable music generation with emotion and structure, as well as audio transcription. More info on these three projects below:

Makris D., Agres K., Herremans D.. 2021. Sen2Seq: A Conditional seq2seq Framework for Generating Lead Sheets with Sentiment. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). Download preprint.

New paper on Underwater Acoustic Communication Receiver Using Deep Belief Network

Recent PhD graduate Dr. Abigail Lee-Leon, Prof Chau Yuen, and myself just published a paper on 'Underwater Acoustic Communication Receiver Using Deep Belief Network' in IEEE Transactions on Communications. Preprint link. Underwater communications is a challenging field due to the many interferences in the channel (e.g. Doppler effect, boats, fish, etc.). This paper uses a novel deep learning approach to model the receiver.

CM-RNN: Hierarchical RNNs for structured music generation

Nicolas Guo, Dr. Dimos Markis and myself just published a new paper on Hierarchical Recurrent Neural Networks for Conditional Melody Generation with Long-term Structure. Inspired by methods from the audio domain, such as SampleRNN, we explore how we can generate melodies, conditioned by chords by inputting training data in multiple granularities.

The Effect of Spectrogram Reconstructions on Automatic Music Transcription

Congrats Kin Wai (Raven), on this interesting paper on leveraging spectrogram reconstruction for music transcription, which was accepted at the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2020). Read the preprint here.

Cheuk K.W., Luo Y.J., Benetos E., Herremans D.. 2021. The Effect of Spectrogram Reconstructions on Automatic Music Transcription: An Alternative Approach to Improve Transcription Accuracy. Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2020).

PhD scholarships for audio/music and AI

Singa is offering fellowships for International PhD students in Singapore. If you are interested in working in the AMAAI lab, send me a message. I am interested in supervising PhD students interested in the domain of Music Information Retrieval or AI for multimedia or finance.

More details on the application: https://www.a-star.edu.sg/Scholarships/for-graduate-studies/singapore-in...

Deadline for applications: January 1st!


Audio engineer - job opening (nnAudio)

Our team at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) is looking for an RA for 6 months to help develop nnAudio. You will be joining our team in music/audio/vision AI supervised by Prof. Dorien Herremans. More information on the music/audio team at dorienherremans.com/team. You will be working on the PyTorch audio processing tool nnAudio developed by Cheuk Kin Wai at our lab.

AttendAffectNet: Self-Attention based Networks for Predicting Affective Responses from Movies

PhD student's Thao Phuong's paper on multimodal emotion prediction from movies/music is now available on Arxiv, together with the code. AttendAffectNet uses transformers with feature-based attention to attend to the most useful features at any given time to predict the valence/arousal.

Ha Thi Phuong Thao, Balamurali B.T., Dorien Herremans, Gemma Roig, 2020. AttendAffectNet: Self-Attention based Networks for Predicting Affective Responses from Movies. arXiv:2010.11188

Preprint paper.
